Package | Description |
org.matheclipse.core.basic |
General configuration settings.
org.matheclipse.core.boole |
Implementation of the Quine McCluskey algorithm.
org.matheclipse.core.builtin.constant |
Implementations of basic constants like
Degree, E, I, Pi,... |
org.matheclipse.core.builtin.function |
Implementations of built-in functions like
Block, Module, N, Reap, Refine, Sow, SetDelayed, While, ... |
org.matheclipse.core.convert |
Converters for transforming symja objects from and to other formats (JAS, linear programming objects, matrices, vectors).
org.matheclipse.core.eval |
Evaluation engines.
org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception |
Exceptions derived from
MathException . |
org.matheclipse.core.eval.interfaces |
Interfaces and abstract classes to control the symja evaluation steps.
org.matheclipse.core.eval.util |
Utility implementations for assumptions, sequences, tabes, options and level specifications.
org.matheclipse.core.expression |
Provides the implementations of the cores abstract syntax tree (AST) which represents the Symja symbolic expressions.
org.matheclipse.core.form.mathml |
Converts the internal expression representation
into a MathML string.
org.matheclipse.core.form.mathml.reflection |
Provides special MathML converter functions which are determined by reflection.
org.matheclipse.core.form.output |
Converts the internal expression representation
into a user readable string.
org.matheclipse.core.form.tex |
Converts the internal expression representation
into a TeX string.
org.matheclipse.core.form.tex.reflection |
Provides special TeX converter functions which are determined by reflection.
org.matheclipse.core.generic |
Functors and Predicates.
org.matheclipse.core.generic.interfaces |
Interfaces for functors and predicates.
| | |
org.matheclipse.core.integrate.rubi45 |
Automatically generated Rubi symbolic integration rules.
org.matheclipse.core.interfaces |
Interfaces for the symbolic expression objects used to represent the Symja abstract syntax tree.
org.matheclipse.core.parser |
Provides the parsers operator classes for IExpr expressions
(i.e. for binary, prefix and postfix Operators).
org.matheclipse.core.patternmatching |
Pattern-matching and term rewriting implementations.
org.matheclipse.core.polynomials |
Utilities for polynomial handling.
org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system |
Implementations of functions like
D, Eliminate, Expand, Factor, Integrate, Plus, Power, Refine, Times,... |
org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system.rules |
Automatically generated code from the files in the
/rules subdirectory. |
org.matheclipse.core.stat.descriptive | |
org.matheclipse.core.stat.descriptive.summary |
Other summary statistics.
org.matheclipse.core.visit |
Implementations for the visitor pattern.
org.matheclipse.parser.client |
Provides the parser and scanner implementation.
org.matheclipse.parser.client.ast |
Provides the implementations of the parsers abstract syntax tree classes.
org.matheclipse.parser.client.eval |
Predefined numerically evaluation engines DoubleEvaluator and ComplexEvaluator.
org.matheclipse.parser.client.math |
Math utilities for the DoubleEvaluator and ComplexEvaluator numerical evaluators.
org.matheclipse.parser.client.operator |
Provides the parsers operator classes (i.e. for binary, prefix and postfix Operators).